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The obvious solution is to buy more computer, ram, disk space. This assumes however, that one is able to properly deploy the equipement. Two analogies come to mind: one is that of buying a Porsche to get to work faster, forgetting that most of the time is actually spent in a traffic jam, and other is that of the posthole diggers: "If one person can dig one hole in sixty minutes, and sixty people can dig sixty holes in sixty minutes, then sixty people can dig one hole in one minute" --- the faulty logic is here is in assuming that the task is divisible in the first place, and secondly, that there is no overhead in communicating between people.

Buying more equipement would in my opinion, make problems worse. This is particularly the case for the modem pool: new modems are a mistake right now.

Michael Richardson
Sun Apr 21 00:24:31 EDT 1996