New Papers

St. Louis, V.L., Rudd J.W.M., Kelly, C.A., Beaty, K.G., Bloom, N.S., and Flett, R.J. "Importance of Wetlands as Sources of Methyl Mercury to Boreal Forest Ecosystems". 1994. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 51:1065-1076. St. Louis, V.L., J.W.M. Rudd, C.A. Kelly, K.G. Beaty, R.J. Flett, N.T. Roulet. 1996. "Production and loss of methyl mercury and loss of total mercury from boreal forest carchments containing different types of wetlands." Environ. Sci. & Tech. 30(9):2719-2728. Postel, S.G. G.C. Daily, P.R. Erlich. 1996. "Human Appropriation of Renewable Fresh Water". Science. Vol. 271, Feb. 9, 1996. 785-787. Olmstead, L.L. & Bolin, J.W. 1996. "Aquatic Biodiversity and the Electric Utility Industry". Environn. Management 20(5):805-814. Power. M.E., W.E. Dietrich, and J.C. Finlay. 1996. Dams and Downstream Aquatic Biodiversity: Potential Food Web Consequences of Hydrologic and Geomorphic Change". Environm. management 20(6):887-895. Attril, M.J., S.D. Rundle, and R. M. Thomas. 1996. "The influence of drought-induced low freshwater flow on an upper-estuarine macroinvertebrate community." Wat. Res. 30(2):261-268. Angermeir, P. L. and Kerr, J.R. Harr. 1994. "Biological Integrity versus Biological Diversity as Policy Directives: Protecting biotic resources." BioSceince 44(10):690-697. Burnham, N. 1998. "More Damnation in Quebec: Hydeo-Quebec plans to divert 8 more rivers to generate more electricity for the US". Alternatives Journal 24(2) Spring, 1998 : 5-6.

Dianne Murray
Last modified: Wed Apr 8 11:49:27 EDT 1998