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Re: AH and ESP Orthogonality

William Allen Simpson writes:
> > From: "Perry E. Metzger" <perry@piermont.com>
> > William Allen Simpson writes:
> > > Look folks, we discussed this all last year.  We knew about the cut and
> > > paste attack before we wrote the documents.
> >
> > Actually, we didn't during the initial drafts,
> Ah, Perry, but I beg to differ.  We knew about general cut and paste
> against CBC _long_ before we wrote the drafts.  It is a "feature" of
> CBC itself.

Actually, Bellovin came up with it in the hallway at Danvers outside
the terminal room. I was there when it happened. We had suspicions
that it was bad long before, but we didn't "know".

Again, however, this is history. Lets try to focus on what is best at
the moment, and not on what is historical.

> My point is that we are rehashing old arguments, and undermining the
> good work and deployment that this WG generated.

I don't think that we need to undermine anything, especially if we
declare the new transforms to be just that, *new* and better
transforms. Thats why I am against the notion of "replacement" and
want us to think instead in terms of things being "new and
improved". As I've said for a long time, our understanding of these
things gets refined with time and we have to expect to be coming up
with new transforms for new algorithims every few years for the rest
of the lifetime of the net. We should get used to it.

