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RE: IPsec hardware accelerators (Rainbow warning)

What has been going on with compression in ESP?  I haven't heard
anything since December's IETF.  We talked about adding a byte in front
of pad length to represent compression flags (like whether the data was

>From: 	Bob Monsour[SMTP:rmonsour@earthlink.net]
>Sent: 	Wednesday, January 22, 1997 4:17 PM
>To: 	John.Chalk%datacraft.com.au@datacraft.com.au
>Cc: 	gnu@toad.com; ipsec@tis.com
>Subject: 	Re: IPsec hardware accelerators (Rainbow warning)
>Another encryption hardware vendor is Hi/fn (www.hifn.com). Forthcoming
>chips will include encryption (DES/3DES/RC4) as well as compression and MAC
>computation (SHA/MD5). 
>For those concerned about the processing requirements of software DES, note
>that the use of compression prior to encrypting reduces the workload placed
>on the encryptor. I included some experimental results at the Dec IPSEC wg
>Bob Monsour