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Re: replay mandatory?

> I wonder if I am missing something.

I think the only thing you're missing is that you CAN have no replay
protection on your SA(s).  (There is no window size when you have no replay.)

I see people saying, "If you use replay, the minimum window size MUST be 32
packets."  And let's look at your concerns.

> Today, in an IPsec-less environment, if I get IP packets for 1000 different
> TCP circuits, I have to have some pool of local copies of packets to deal
> with out-of-order IP packets.

Basically, each TCP connection has state which will queue up the packets that
arrive out of order, rather than deliver them to the appropriate application.
If a segment arrives out-of-order, it gets queued at the TCP control block
(or whatever you call yours), and that memory is held until such time as the
data is delivered and consumed.

> If I implement IPsec, with NO replay, things are the same.  I decrypt, I
> send it to the next step in the process, and presumably the same pool could
> be used.

If the same memory block (mbuf, mblk, whatever you use) ISN'T being used
after you've decrypted (OR AUTHENTICATED, DON'T FORGET AH, FOLKS), I question
your design.  :)

You're right, you just deliver as before w/o replay.

> If I require a replay window of 32 for 1000 different Security
> Associations, that means I need to keep 32*1000 copies of IP packets
> around.

Not necessarily.  It's POSSIBLE that you'll have 31*1000 copies of IP packets
queued up, assuming a Byzantine failure.  Besides, at some point in time, you
just assume that packet <foo> didn't arrive, drop it, then deliver the
<foo+1>.. etc packets.  Delivery will free up the resources.

Keep in mind that with larger replay windows, system resources CAN be
consumed at a faster rate.  It doesn't, however, mean that they WILL be
consumed at a faster rate.

> I can't spread the pool cost among the 1000 like I could in the non-IPsec
> case.

I understand that you're concerned about system resources.  It sounds like,
in your system, you allocate a fixed number of buffers allocated to network
traffic.  Yes, a large replay window will perhaps exhaust your finite supply
of buffers quicker than no replay.

If packets are behaving themselves and arrive mostly in-order, even with a
replay window of 256, you won't be burning your buffers very quickly.  I
suspect that's the common case.

Finally, if I understand, if you're that concerned about system resources,
you can have a policy of no-replay-protection in your KMd.

