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RE: MUST vs. SHOULD audit

>> (hence NOT a lot of work for you or Cheryl Madson).

Okay...  This doesn't have anything to do with this particular thread, BUT.
Could people stop making judgements about how difficult it would be for
other people to implement something??!?!?    In reality, none of us know
how difficult it is for someone to implement something.   Simply because
there are other things in IOS that already do something like this, doesn't
mean that Cheryl or Dan can just use the prior art with no modification.
It may be easy, then again, it may be nearly impossible. 

"Oh well, Windows 3.11 already has NETBUI, we can just shove the 
NRL code in there! No problem!!"

Why don't we let them judge how hard it would be.   

Back to the thread...  The ease of bolting the functionality into IOS is not relevant
to the discussion.   Should it be in the standard if it isn't appropriate in some
instances?   It certainly SHOULD NOT be in the standard because someone 
thinks it is easy to put the functionality in someone else's product.