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Re: Unnecessarily bloated IV calculation


  It's way too late to entertain changes such as this. My logic may
be flawed and a single hash may be more expensive than a complete
Diffie-Hellman exchange and 3 public key operations combined. Fine.
Whatever. But this breaks interoperability. It is not backwards
compatible. And it's way too late. Had you made this suggestion last
year I'm sure it would've been incorporated into the document. 

  We're not going to hold this up for another 6 months just to change
a hash to an exclusive or. That would be insane.

> [Personal attacks deleted]

Me thinks thou protesteth too much. 

> Dan,
> It was my intention to only pose the question of why we were doing a
> completely unnecessary calculation.  I didn't intend to make any
> statements about either your document or your person.  I realize that
> your position is an extremely difficult one to be in.  However, you
> don't need to make it more difficult by taking personal offense from
> innocent questions and/or starting unnecessary flame wars.

Perhaps I need a beer (as has just been pointed out) but I can't help but
think that perhaps the flames wouldn't be so strong if it wasn't for that
gasoline. It is particularly difficult to guage tone in email but when you 
phrase "innocent" questions with things like absurd, unnecessarily bloated, 
burdensome, etc. it doesn't come out so innocent. Compound that with the
observation that you have complained in the past about vagueness and lack
of clarity but have failed to follow up on your (accepted) offers of clear,
unambiguous verbage.

Personal attacks? Me? Nah. 

Let me remind you that a past criticism you had was that there was no 
reference for a generic CBC-MAC. You volunteered to write one. If you produce 
one in the next two days I can reference it and satisfy at least one of the 
issues you have with the I-O resolution document. But changing a hash to an 
exclusive or is too little too late with too much impact on existing 
interoperable implementations. 

  off to drink that beer,

