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Re: Standarisation status (was Re: Unnecessarily bloated IV calculation)

   From: "C. Harald Koch" <chk@utcc.utoronto.ca>
   Date: Mon, 9 Feb 1998 18:25:25 -0500

   Speaking of which:


   I remember a bug push to get everything ready for the December IETF,
   and then a promise that they'd be ready shortly thereafter. Are we
   *ever* going to publish this puppy?

My apologies.  Bob got swamped in a job change, and I got swamped
handling some non-IETF work for my employer... as a result, we weren't
as agressive as we could have been to push the document editors to get
the final edits (to deal with the issues rasied at the document reading
party) done and published as I-D's.

We've since gotten pressure from the IP Compression Folks (whose work
has just finished IETF last call and is blocking on our documents) as
well as from the IESG, to get these documents done.  As a result, I
contacted the various document editors last week and asked them, "Cough,
cough.... when?"

Nearly all of them apologized and explained that they had similarly
gotten caught up with other work-related priorities, and committed to
getting new drafts out by Friday of this week.  So hopefully we will be
able to start an working group last call on those documents which are
published as I-D's this Friday, so that we get these documents to the
IESG as soon as we can.

						- Ted
