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Re: Comments on "Hybrid Auth. mode for IKE"

In message <v03110700b1e2448c6f64@[]>, Stephen Kent writes:
> User's with passwords can be issued certs readily.

This is a very important point.  Rather than touching ipsec and IKE,
a better solution would be to define a certificate retrieval/generation
protocol.  That is, suppose a user has a "conventional" authentication
mechanism, such as a password or a token.  Use that mechanism to contact
a server that will send you your stored certificate.  If you don't have
one, a short-lived certificate, suitable for use with IKE, can be
generated for you on the fly.  Its lifetime can be whatever is
appropriate; if something like 4-8 hours, it need not use high-quality
RSA moduli since ipsec will provide perfect forward secrecy.

If I were to design such a protocol, I'd probably use something like
EKE (www.research.att.com/~smb/papers/neke.ps or .pdf; also aeke.{ps,pdf})
to provide protection against password-guessing.  (Disclaimer -- EKE and
AEKE are patented.)  Or the client can generate a certificate on the
fly, and send the public portion off to the server, along with an
authenticator, to be signed.  Either way, there's no need to touch