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Algorithm OIDs for SHA1 & RSADSI OIDs

	The OID for SHA1 comes from ISO.  As bytes it is:
unsigned char SHA1_OID[] = {43, 14, 3, 2, 26};
	As ASN.1 it is:
   iso(1) identified-organization(3) oiw(14) secsig(3) }
id-sha1  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { secsig 2 26 }

	The attached file has a list of the OIDs registered
by RSA Data Security.
		--Bob Baldwin
		  Technical Director, RSA Data Security

-----Original Message-----
From: Tolga Acar [mailto:TACAR@novell.com]
Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 1999 1:13 PM
To: ipsec@lists.tislabs.com
Subject: Algorithm OIDs in RFC 2104

I wonder if there is an OID for predefined HMAC algorithms in RFC 2104.
There is one specified for HMAC-SHA1 in PKCS#5, in the RSADSI arch:

rsadsi OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {iso(1) member-body(2) us(840) 113549}
digestAlgorithm OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {rsadsi 2}
id-hmacWithSHA1 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {digestAlgorithm 7}

I couldn't find one for SHA-1.
Are they defined somewhere else ?

- Tolga

Object Identifiers Registered by RSA Data Security, Inc.

An RSA Laboratories Technical Note

RSA Data Security, Inc.'s OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) object
identifier is 1.2.840.113549 (0x2a, 0x86, 0x48, 0x86, 0xf7, 0x0d in hex), 
as registered by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). 
In the following, the prefix "rsadsi" refers to that object identifier. 
All object identifers registered by RSA Data Security begin with this prefix. 

NAME                               VALUE                    REFERENCE

pkcs                               rsadsi.1                 (none)
  pkcs-1                             pkcs.1                 PKCS #1
    rsaEncryption                      pkcs-1.1               " "
    md2WithRSAEncryption               pkcs-1.2               " "
    md4WithRSAEncryption               pkcs-1.3               " "
    md5WithRSAEncryption               pkcs-1.4               " "
    sha1WithRSAEncryption              pkcs-1.5             BSAFE 3.0, SET
    rsaOAEPEncryptionSET               pkcs-1.6             SET
    id-RSAES-OAEP                      pkcs-1.7             PKCS#1 v2.0
    id-mfg1                            pkcs-1.8             PKCS#1 v2.0
    id-pSpecified                      pkcs-1.9             PKCS#1 v2.0
  pkcs-3                             pkcs.3                 PKCS #3
    dhKeyAgreement                     pkcs-3.1               " "
  pkcs-5                             pkcs.5                 PKCS #5
    pbeWithMD2AndDES-CBC               pkcs-5.1               " "
    pbeWithMD5AndDES-CBC               pkcs-5.3               " "
    pbeWithMD2AndRC2-CBC               pkcs-5.4             BSAFE 2.0
    pbeWithMD5AndRC2-CBC               pkcs-5.6             BSAFE 2.0
    pbeWithMD5AndXOR                   pkcs-5.9             FASTCRYPT/BSAFE 3.0
    pbeWithSHAAndDES-CBC               pkcs-5.10            BSAFE 3.0
  pkcs-7                             pkcs.7                 PKCS #7
    data                               pkcs-7.1               " "
    signedData                         pkcs-7.2               " "
    envelopedData                      pkcs-7.3               " "
    signedAndEnvelopedData             pkcs-7.4               " "
    digestedData                       pkcs-7.5               " "
    encryptedData                      pkcs-7.6               " "
    dataWithAttributes                 pkcs-7.7             FASTCRYPT
    encryptedPrivateKeyInfo            pkcs-7.8             Netscape SSLREF
  pkcs-9                             pkcs.9                 PKCS #9
    emailAddress                       pkcs-9.1               " "
    unstructuredName                   pkcs-9.2               " "
    contentType                        pkcs-9.3               " "
    messageDigest                      pkcs-9.4               " "
    signingTime                        pkcs-9.5               " "
    countersignature                   pkcs-9.6               " "
    challengePassword                  pkcs-9.7               " "
    unstructuredAddress                pkcs-9.8               " "
    extendedCertificateAttributes      pkcs-9.9               " "
    issuerAndSerialNumber              pkcs-9.10 (tentative) PKCS #9 draft
    passwordCheck                      pkcs-9.11 (tentative) PKCS #9 draft
    publicKey                          pkcs-9.12 (tentative) PKCS #9 draft
    signingDescription                 pkcs-9.13 (tentative) S/MIME
    X.509 extension                    pkcs-9.14 (tentative) TIPEM 2.0
    symmetricCapabilities              pkcs-9.15 (tentative) S/MIME v2
    friendlyName                       pkcs-9.20             PKCS #12 v1.0
    localKeyID                         pkcs-9.21               "  "   "
    certTypes                          pkcs-9.22               "  "   "
      x509Certificate                    certTypes.1           "  "   "
      sdsiCertificate                    certTypes.2           "  "   "
    crlTypes                           pkcs-9.23               "  "   "
      x509Crl                            crlTypes.1            "  "   "
  pkcs-12                            pkcs.12                 PKCS #12 v1.0
    pkcs-12PbeIds                      pkcs-12.1               "  "   "
      pbeWithSHA1And128BitRC4            pkcs-12PbeIds.1       "  "   "
      pbeWithSHA1And40BitRC4             pkcs-12PbeIds.2       "  "   "
      pbeWithSHA1And3-KeyTripleDES-CBC   pkcs-12PbeIds.3       "  "   "
      pbeWithSHA1And2-KeyTripleDES-CBC   pkcs-12PbeIds.4       "  "   "
      pbeWithSHA1And128BitRC2-CBC        pkcs-12PbeIds.5       "  "   "
      pbeWithSHA1And40BitRC2-CBC         pkcs-12PbeIds.6       "  "   "
    pkcs-12Version1                    pkcs-12.10              "  "   "
      pkcs-12BagIds                      pkcs-12Version1.1     "  "   "
        keyBag                             pkcs-12BagIds.1     "  "   "
        pkcs-8ShroudedKeyBag               pkcs-12BagIds.2     "  "   "
        certBag                            pkcs-12BagIds.3     "  "   "
        crlBag                             pkcs-12BagIds.4     "  "   "
        secretBag                          pkcs-12BagIds.5     "  "   "
        safeContentsBag                    pkcs-12BagIds.6     "  "   "

digestAlgorithm                    rsadsi.2                 (none)
  md2                                digestAlgorithm.2      RFC 1319
  md4                                digestAlgorithm.4      RFC 1320
  md5                                digestAlgorithm.5      RFC 1321
  id-hmacWithMD5                     digestAlgorithm.6      RFC 2401 & 2202
  id-hmacWithSHA1                    digestAlgorithm.7      RFC 2401 & 2202

encryptionAlgorithm                rsadsi.3                 (none)
  rc2CBC                             encryptionAlgorithm.2  12/92 OIW
  rc2ECB                             encryptionAlgorithm.3  BSAFE2
  rc4                                encryptionAlgorithm.4  12/92 OIW
  rc4WithMAC                         encryptionAlgorithm.5  FASTCRYP
  DESX-CBC                           encryptionAlgorithm.6  BSAFE2
  DES-EDE3-CBC                       encryptionAlgorithm.7  BSAFE2
  RC5CBC                             encryptionAlgorithm.8  BSAFE3?
  RC5CBCPad                          encryptionAlgorithm.9  BSAFE4
  CDMFCBCPad                         encryptionAlgorithm.10 S/PAY1 (see cdmfdef.txt)

applications                       rsadsi.4                 (none)
  attributes                         applications.1
    originalFilePath                   attributes.1         RSA FX
    OriginalOwner                      attributes.2         FASTCRYPT
  rsaApplications                    applications.2         RSA FX
    FX                                 rsaApplications.1    RSA FX
      issuerSerialDigest                 FX.1               RSA FX
    Frog                               rsaApplications.2(tentative) Frog
      MACFinderInfo                      Frog.1 (tentative) MACFrog
      AI_FrogMD5WithRC2_CBCPad           Frog.2 (tentative) FASTCRYPT
    css                                rsaApplications.3    RSA CSS
      fieldIdentifier                    css.1              RSA CSS
  test                               applications.3
    dsa-with-sha-test                  test.1               dsatypes.doc
    datamedia                          test.2               datamedia
    ETA (Cyphercom)                    test.3               ETA

securityDynamics                   rsadsi.5                 (none)
  sdi-ce                             securityDynamics.1     certificate extensions
    subjectSDIPrivilegeAttribute       sdi-ce.1             PAC extension
  sdi-algs                           securityDynamics.2     algorithms
rsadsiLdap                         rsadsi.6                 (none yet)