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Re: A fix for main mode with preshared keys

     One additional remark.
     Dan Harkins reminded me of the following (in the pk encryption 
     Even if SKEYID_e is redefined as discussed, the initiator of a main 
     mode exchange with preshared keys still needs to know the identity of 
     the responder before it has received IDir.  This is because it needs 
     to compute HASH_I in the fifth message, and HASH_I is computed using 
     SKEYID, which in turn is computed using the preshared key.  The 
     preshared key *must* be used in the computation of HASH_I, since this 
     is what provides the proof that the initiator knows the preshared key. 
     IKE knows the IP address of the responder, but there are scenarios 
     where this may not be a "meaningful" form of identity, and where IKE 
     has no access to a more meaningful form of identity before it receives 
     IDir.  I described one such scenario, involving a dynamically assigned 
     IP address, in the pk encryption thread.  Another scenario could be 
     constructed in the case where the responder is a multihomed port.  
     There is also the possibility that a meaningful form identity is 
     simply not passed to IKE by the software that requests the IKE 
     This difficulty could be resolved by changing main mode with preshared 
     keys from 
                   Initiator                        Responder
                  ----------                       -----------
                   HDR, SA             -->
                                       <--    HDR, SA
                   HDR, KE, Ni         -->
                                       <--    HDR, KE, Nr
                   HDR*, IDii, HASH_I  -->
                                       <--    HDR*, IDir, HASH_R
                   Initiator                        Responder
                  ----------                       -----------
                   HDR, SA             -->
                                       <--    HDR, SA
                   HDR, KE, Ni         -->
                                       <--    HDR, KE, Nr, IDir*
                   HDR*, IDii, HASH_I  -->
                                       <--    HDR*, HASH_R
     where IDir* is IDir with its body (excluding the "generic payload 
     header") encrypted under SKEYID_e, which is itself redefined as 