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IKE Public Key Encryption

Hello All,

 I know this has been discussed, and I attempted to find the previous
 discussion in the list archives - needless to say, I was unsuccessful.
 In the third message of MM with Public key authentication
 (non-revised shown - but same issue for both):

       Initiator                        Responder
      -----------                      -----------
       HDR, SA                   -->
                                 <--    HDR, SA
       HDR, KE, [ HASH(1), ]
           <Ni_b>PubKey_r        -->
                                        HDR, KE, <IDr1_b>PubKey_i,
                                 <--            <Nr_b>PubKey_i
       HDR*, HASH_I              -->
                                 <--    HDR*, HASH_R

  My question is about the use of HASH(1):
  "Where HASH(1) is the optional hash of the certificate which
  contained Pubkey_r." <draft-ietf-ipsec-ike-01.txt>
  Shouldn't the [ HASH(1), ] be required? The responder may need to
  know which certificate/public key the initiator is using in the
  event several certificates are assigned to the responder. In some
  cases, if not included, wouldn't it pose a similar issue we see
  with shared secret authentication? In shared secret the password
  must be looked up by the initiator's IP address. Doesn't the same
  "issue" apply for the responder to determine which public key to
  use? I'm not insinuating that a public key is being used for each
  individual initiator, for argument sake lets say different networks
  have their own certificates. Nonetheless, how does the responder
  determine which key to use if several are maintained?

  I could provide some examples, but prefer to remain brief and I'm
  assured that this is not a new question and has been answered in the
  past - and with that note I do apologize for any repetition - and
  please provide the subject of the elusive previous discussions.

Best regards,