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RE: 2401bis Issue #67 -- IPsec management traffic

> NO. what we said was that IKE SAs are treated specially by the 
> host/SG that terminates or originates IKE traffic, and thus need not 
> be subject to SPD/SAD controls.
> The IKE traffic from H1 is treated like any other subscriber traffic 
> from H1, and thus requires an appropriate SPD entry to be allowed to 
> pass. However, at H1, the IKE traffic it emits and receives need not 
> be authorized by an entry in its SPD.

I am still confused. Let me ask some questions first:
* What is IPSec management traffic? Does it include IKE traffic
* What traffic is not subject to SPD/SAD control?
* When a traffic is not subject to SPD/SAD control, it sounds it is
cleartext to me. Without consulting SPD/SAD, how can the traffic get
sent with SA protection(which SA to use)?

> >
> >         ======================================================
> >         |                                                    |
> >         |==============================                      |
> >         ||                            |                      |
> >         ||                         ---|----------------------|---
> >         ||                         |  |                      |  |
> >         H1* ----- (Internet) ------| SG2* ---- (Local ----- H2* |
> >               ^                    |           Intranet)        |
> >               |                    ------------------------------
> >         could be dialup              admin. boundary (optional)
> >         to PPP/ARA server
> >
> >
> >>  Note: If one chose to allow IPsec management traffic to bypass SPD
> >>  lookup, then how would one implement a policy of "don't accept IKE
> >  > traffic from src A"?
> Steve