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> Indeed, the only thing which the apparent senders have at fault is
> being associated with people who have the bad taste to use a Microsoft
> Outlook or Outlook Express.

That is untrue. The viruses don't just use the address book any more,
that is somewhat harder than it once was. These days a lot of 
viruses scan the messages themselves or documents on the person's

> We are filtering something like 400-500 Spam and virus messages A DAY
> being sent to the ipsec mailing list.  It's only the ones which match
> valid recipients of the ipsec mailing list (and e-mail address on the
> white list) that are getting through.

Are bounce messages sent when a virus is discovered? If so you may well
be spamming the person. I get several hundred virus bounce messages 
every day, as if the virus scanners did not know that the viruses 
almost all forge email addresses these days.

There is more than enough blame to go round for the virus problem.
Please do not try to lay everything at the door of your competitors.

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