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dam-l Petition Against the Construction of the Hydroelectric Dam at RioParana, Argentina

>Date: Wed, 8 Apr 1998 22:35:19 -0700 (PDT)
>X-Sender: relief@pop.igc.apc.org
>Mime-Version: 1.0
>To: eleorest@wco.com, rainrelief@hotmail.com, sh42@columbia.edu,
>        rainwood@igc.org, lcurran@umich.edu, st91d2m7@dunx1.ocs.drexel.edu,
>        tribal@earthlink.net, toc1@aol.com,
>        nfnena@sover.net (Native Forest Network), lorna@igc.org,
>        seek251@aol.com, focs@web.apc.org,
>        "John W. Friede" <worldview@tellink.net>, macduff@islandnet.com,
>        tjmcgraw@andromeda.rutgers.edu, mike.damico@sierraclub.org,
>        tim.dillingham@sierraclub.org, bill.green@sierraclub.org,
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>        ecodave908@aol.com, dmcgowan@ra.org
>From: relief@igc.org (Rainforest Relief)
>X-MIME-Autoconverted: from quoted-printable to 8bit by pike.sover.net id
>From: tribal@earthlink.net
>Date: Tue, 07 Apr 1998 18:48:20 +0000
>Reply-To: tribal@earthlink.net
>Organization: WA Rainforest Action
>MIME-Version: 1.0
>To: brainkid@wolfenet.com
>Subject: Petition Against Parane Medio
>X-MIME-Autoconverted: from 8bit to quoted-printable by igc7.igc.org id
>Dear friends,
>This petition is directed to all those who are concerned with preserving our
>planet, its wildlife and biodiversity.  On behalf of the Popular Culture
>Institute (Instituto de Cultural Popular--INCUPO) and the Unions of
>Educational Workers in Corrientes and Cacho, all of which are based in
>northern Argentina, we request that you sign at the bottom and forward to
>others to sign. If you prefer not to sign please send to the e-mail address
>indicated or return to me.
>This petition is being passed around the internet, please keep it rolling.
>Please add your name to it to support the above named organizations'
>struggle against  the construction of hydroelectric dams, which are
>displacing peasants and indigenous tribes, causing the disappearance of a
>unique ecosystem, and destroying local economies.
>This list will be forwarded to the President of the United States, the Vice
>President of the UnitedStates, and Representative Newt Gingrich.
>Please forward this to everyone you know.Thank you.
>If you happen to be the 50, 100th, 150th, 200th, 250th, etc. signer of this
>petition, please forward a copy to: postmaster@incucc.org.ar.  If that
>address is inoperative, please send it to: san_bonifacio@msn.com.
>NOTE: It is preferable that you SELECT the entirety of this letter and then
>COPY it into a new outgoing message rather than simply forwarding it.
>Here it goes:
>Petition Against the Construction of the Hydroelectric Dam at Rio Parana,
>WHEREAS the formation of a 750,000 hectare body of water will entomb islands
>and river valleys rich in agriculture, archeology, turism, natural reserves,
>historical and cultural sites;
>WHEREAS various cities, towns and settlements and all of the river ports in
>the region will be affected; the associated regional economies will be
>exterminated or overturned, and the community's habitat changed for
>WHEREAS the PARANA MEDIO Project is designed specifically for the generation
>of hydroelectricenergy, and not to control the flooding which will affect
>the valleys, islands and islets;
>WHEREAS all the local fish which are common to the PARANA (the dorado,
>sombí, pacú, amarillo, boga and muchot) will disappear because of the change
>in their environment and transform our abundant river into a gigantic lake
>filled with stagnant waters contaminated with local and industrial waste;
>WHEREAS the turistic and recreational potential of the islands which each
>year generate $5,000,000 for local economies will be lost;
>WHEREAS the experience of the Salto Grande dam demonstrates how the dam
>destroyed the river as well as the regional economy; and
>WHEREAS the short term benefit of a few extra jobs will undermine the long
>term, developed economies and leave thousands of people unemployed, without
>work, without sustenance, on the islands of PARANA MEDIO between the cities
>of Santa Fe, Entre Rios, and Corrientes.
>We the undersigned protest the contruction of the DAM AT PARANA MEDIO as BAD
>BUSINESS, and urge the Argentinan and North American authorities to halt the
>development of this dam
>Estimados Amigos,
>Esta peticion es dirigida a todos aquellos a quienes concierne con preservar
>nuestro planeta, su flora y fauna y biodiversidad. De parte del Instituto de
>Cultura Popular ( INCUPO ) y la Union de Trabajadores Educacionales en
>Corrientes y Cacho, todas las cuales estan basados en el norte de Argentina,
>nosotros solicitamos que la firme abajo y mandarla a otros a firmar. Si
>usted prefiere no firmar, por favor envia a la direccion indicada o
>Esta peticion esta siendo pasada alrededor del Internet, por favor
>mantengalo circulando. Por favor, agregue su nombre para apoyar las
>organizaciones nombradas arriba en su lucha contra la construccion de la
>presa hidroelectrica , lo que esta desplazando a los campesinos y tribus
>indigenas, causando la desaparicion de un ecosistema  y destruyendo la
>economias locales.
>Esta lista se mandara al Presidente y Vice-Presidente del  los Estados
>Unidos, y el Representative Newt Gingrich. *Si USTED es el 50, 100, 150,
>200, 250, etc. firmador de esta peticion, favor de enviar una copia:
>postmaster@incucc.org.ar  Si no sirve esta direccion, enviela a:
>Mandela a todo la gente que usted conoce,  GRACIAS.
>PD: Es preferible que SELECCIONE la carta completa y COPIARLA a un mensage
>nuevo en vez de de simplemente enviandola.
>Aqui va:
>PORQUE Se formaria un lago de mas de 750,000 hectareas que sepultara las
>islas y valles de rios plenos de valores agricolas, arqueologicos,
>turisticos, faunisticos, historicos y culturales;
>PORQUE Muchas ciudades y pueblos costero y todos los puertos de la region
>serian afectados; las economias regionales asociadas a los rios seran
>exterminadas o trastornadas y el  habitat del hombre del litoral modificado
>a perpetuidad;
>PORQUE El proyecto Parana Medio esta disenado especificamente para
>generacion hidroelectrica, no para controlar ni atenuar las crecidas, algo
>que se hacen los valles aluviales con sus islas e islotes.
>PORQUE Todos los peces tipicos del Parana como el dorado, sambi, pacu,
>amarillo, boga y muchos otros desaparacerian al modificarse su ambiente y
>transformarse el caudaloso rio en un gigantesco lago de aguas estancadas,
>contaminadas con desechos locales e industriales;
>PORQUE Se perderia para siempre el potencial turistico y recreativo de la
>ISLAS que cada año deja 5,000,000 de dolares de beneficio
>PORQUE La experiencia de Salto Grande demuestra como se pierde un rio y se
>destruye una economia regional;
>PORQUE A cambio de algunos puestos de trabajo por unos pocos años la represa
>dejara SIN TRABAJO Y SIN SUSTENTO a miles de pobladores de las ISLAS DEL
>PARANA MEDIO entre Santa Fe, Entre Rios, y Corrientes
>POR ESO, Nosotros los firmadores y colaboradores internacionales declaramos
>que la Represa del Parana Medio es un mal negocio, y exigimos las
>autoridades Argentinas y Estadounidenses de parar inmediatamente los planes
>para esta represa.
>1)Lori Ramos, Centro San Bonifacio, Chicago, IL
>2)Nora Duran, Chicago, IL
>3)Randy Spreen Parker, University of IL, Chicago
>4)Juan Gonzalez, Centro San Bonifacio, Chicago, IL
>5)Oscar Garcia, Alexandria, VA
>6)Jaime Martinez, Centro San Bonifacio, Chicago, IL
>7)Francisco Trevino, Centro San Bonifacio, Chicago, IL
>8)Diana Brooke, Howard Area Community Center, Chicago, IL
>9)Paulo Taveira, CHEC, Boston, MA
>10)Christian Hansen, Autonomous Zone, Chicago, IL
>11)Martin Vazquez, Health Advocacy Project, Chicago, IL
>12)Benjamin Rosales, Health Advocacy Project, Chicago, IL
>13)Blanca Vazquez, Health Advocacy Project, Chicago, IL
>14)Ana Martinez, Howard Area Community Center, Chicago, IL
>15)Juana Gonzales, Health Advocacy Project, Chicago, IL
>16)Aminya Mohammed, National Health Mothers, Healthy Babies Coalition,
>Washington, DC
>17)Luis Cavero, PROMESA Coalition, Chicago IL
>18)Cornell Goodwill, Howard Area Community Center, Chicago, IL
>19)Karynn Cavero, Centro San Bonifaico, Chicago, IL
>20)Orlando Sanchez, Centro San Bonifacio, Chicago, IL
>21)Samantha Bollinger, Austin TX
>22)Cynthia Bianchi, Proyecto San Cristobal, Chicago, IL
>23)Rosario Sanchez, Centro San Bonifacio, Chicago, IL
>24)Maribel Martinez, Centro San Bonifacio, Chicago, IL
>25)Aura Escobedo, Centro San Bonifacio, Chicago, IL
>26)Irma Pacheco, Centro San Bonifacio, Chicago, IL
>27)Maria Villanueva, Centro San Bonifacio, Chicago, IL
>28)Abelina Trevino, Centro San Bonifacio, Chicago, IL
>29)Eladia Cardenas, Centro San Bonifacio, Chicago, IL
>30)Tomas Lopez, Centro San Bonifacio, Chicago, IL
>31) International Rivers Network, Berkeley, CA
>32) Abya Yala Fund for Indigenous Self-Development in South and Meso
>America, Oakalnad, CA
>33)Shannon Mayorga, Olympia, WA
>34)Tim Keating, New York, NY
>          __________________________________________________
>          R   A   I   N   F   O   R   E   S   T        R   E   L   I   E   F
>         Dedicated  to  the  Preservation  of  the  World's  Rainforests
>      Rainforest Relief works to protect the world's remaining tropical
>   and temperate rainforests by reducing the demand for the products
>             and materials of rainforest destruction such as timber,
>        plantation agricultural products such as bananas, beef, coffee,
>                   chocolate, and cut flowers and mining products
>                              such as gold, oil and other metals.
>                        Brooklyn, NY: phone/fax: (718) 832-6775
>                                   Portland, OR: (503) 236-3031
>                                       Email: relief@igc.apc.org
>                        http://www.envirolink.org/orgs/rainrelief
>                         P.O. 150566 * Brooklyn, NY 11215  USA