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dam-l LS: Biobio al Dia


Date: October, 1999

Subject: Bio Bio Al Dia 

Edited by: Cristian Opaso/GABB:  gabb@reuna.cl








Santiago -- After a 23-day halt of construction of the Ralco dam, a petition

presented by Endesa and agreed to by the courts rendered ineffective the 

preventive measure handed down in early September by Judge Mario 

Carroza, which had resulted in an almost total paralysis of construction.  

It is important to note that this is the second time that work on the dam, 

which is opposed by the Pehuenches, the courts and various sectors of 

Chilean society, has been stopped. The previous delay took place between 

August and December of 1998, after peaceful occupation by opponents 

of the roads and the construction site. Construction continued once the 

government gave its approval after negotiating compensation for some 

of the families who will be indirectly affected and who were not considered 

in the original relocation plan.

This latest ruling handed down by the Seventh Chamber 

of the Court of Appeals renders ineffective the preventive 

ruling delivered on September 8 and opens the door to the restarting 

of construction, although this is happening slowly. According to 

Endesa, this is because 80 percent of the heavy equipment was taken 

away from the site and almost all of the workers had been fired 

during the stoppage. Contributing to the uncertainty about when 

construction will begin again in full force, and perhaps the main 

reason, is that this latest ruling does not stop the civil 

lawsuit that seeks to invalidate Conama's permit for 

the project. That case was strengthened by the preventive ruling 

one month ago, which has been appealed and ratified by the same 

Judge Carroza. The second phase of this appeal will be resolved in 

the next two weeks. There, theoretically, the legality of the "preventive 

order" that permitted the delay of construction could be decreed.

The judicial decision of October 1 was adopted one day after a massive 

demonstration by 800 people, among them former Endesa workers and 

Pehuenches, brought in buses paid for by Endesa to the regional 

capital, Concepcion. There they were received by the regional administrator, 

who openly supports the Ralco dam. Endesa's petition was handled very 

rapidly, having been filed at 6:24 p.m. on September 

30 and finalized at 2:40 p.m. on the following day. 

In addition, according to lawyer Roberto Celedon, one of the three 

lawyers defendingthe Pehuenches in this trial, the petition did not meet 

the legal requirements. It is important to remember 

that the principal lawyer for Endesa is Pablo Rodrmguez, a well-known 

supporter of Pinochet and former leader of the right-wing paramilitary 

group Patria y Libertad (Fatherland and Liberty). In contrast to 

the court's rapid action in agreeing to Endesa's petition,

it took more than two years for the courts to resolve something 

that is common sensical: that is to say, to stop the construction 

of the dam until a court ruling is made on the legality of the project. 

Pehuenche leaders told the press that they are in contact with other 

Mapuche organizations and they will do whatever necessary to stop the dam's construction.


Concepcion, Lota, Coronel, Tirua -- Several threatened communities, from 

the Upper Bio Bio to the Lafquenche 

region, will march together to downtown Concepcion on October 12, 

formerly Dma de la Raza and now, after 500 years, Indigenous People's 

Day. The march was planned after Pehuenche leaders Nicolasa Quintreman, 

Antolin Curriao and Agustmn Correa, accompanied by congressman Alejandro 

Navarro, toured the coastal areas of the 8th region and held meetinsg 

with leaders of threatened communities and municipal authorities.

Over the weekend of October 2 and 3, a Mapuche ceremony was held in the 

Tirua zone, where coastal communities reiterated their commitment to solidarity 

with those people threatened by the Ralco dam project.

The march on October 12 will begin in several places and will culminate 

with a foot march that will arrive in downtown Concepcion. The itinerary is the following: 

Saturday, October 9 - from Caqete to Curanilahue.

Sunday, October 10 - Curanilahue to Laraquete.

Monday, October 11 - Laraquete to Coronel.

Tuesday, October 12 - Coronel to Concepcisn.

The Pehuenche will begin their march after a ceremony to take place at 

10 am on Saturday, October 9 in the main plaza of the city of Los Angeles.


Madrid/Santiago -- The Spanish owners of Endesa and its parent 

company, Enersis (the largest multinational electric company in Latin America)

 have yet to inform the Pehuenches of their decision on the Ralco project. 

As you may remember (see previous editions), in July of this year a top 

Spanish official of Endesa Chile said that a decision would be made in 

September. In the middle of September, when construction was halted 

by the courts, Endesa Chile executives announced plans to move forward 

with the project. But there has been no official declaration from the company, 

although it is likely to want to continue the project despite the many legal and 

political challenges that it represents.  Nor have the Spanish acknowledged 

the message sent to them by the Pehuenche regarding the Pehuenches' intent 

to bring a legal action against company executives, alleging genocide. Last 

September 10 the Pehuenche and various Mapuche groups from Temuco 

sent a fax to the president of Endesa Espana, explaining the situation in the 

Upper Bio Bmo and the genocide that the Ralco dam would result in. 

The following is the text of the fax:

Upper Bio Bmo

September 10, 1999

D. Rodolfo Martmn Villa


Endesa Espana

Dear Directors,

We are writing to you to tell you about what is happening in our 

land with Endesa Chile. As you know, you have come to have a 

decisive vote in determining the future of the Ralco project, given 

that your board of directors now controls Endesa Chile. Now that 

you must respond personally for the actions of Endesa Chile, 

according to Article 31 of the Spanish Penal code, we hope you 

will not make yourselves individually responsible for the acts of 

genocide that Endesa Chile is planning against our communities.

As we said in the meeting held in Santiago, Chile on July 27, 

Endesa Chile has invaded our territory using deceit and pressure, 

building the Pangue dam without our authorization and now trying 

to build the Ralco dam, despite our long-time rejection of this 

project, destroying forests and hills without the permission of the 

Mapuche/Pehuenche who will be directly affected by the hydroelectric 

project and who are the owners of this land, backed by the new Chilean 

Indigenous Law of 1993. At that meeting, we gave  you abundant material

 explaining the problems with the project, the pressure to obtain the 

environmental permits, the illegality of the beginning of construction, 

the manipulations and deceits to force the land exchanges (relocation), 

and the long-standing, documented rejection of the traditional 

Mapuche/Pehuenche leaders of the area.

We are tired of telling Endesa Chile that we will not leave our lands and 

that we will not exchange our lands even for gold. We hope that you 

understand that the land, for us, is not something that can be bought or 

sold, but is an integral part of who we are, the basis of our culture, the 

fundamental element our identity as a people. If you engage in activities 

that attack the land, you are simultaneously attacking our mothers, fathers, 

children, sisters and brothers, and against our group as a whole. 

We have been very pleased that you agreed to speak with us, and also 

that you are reappraising the project and have not yet made a final decision. 

We would like to reiterate that the only legal and sensible decision that you 

can take is to halt the construction, forget about the Ralco dam and negotiate 

the best way for you to leave our territory while at the same time compensating 

us for the damage that has already been done. 

To continue with the Ralco dam is to declare war on us again. That is why we 

would like to inform you that if you try to start up construction, you will meet with

 the total resistance of the Mapuche people and many of our friends around the world. 

We will do everything necessary to defend our land and our grandparents and 

great grandparents and great-great grandparents, as well as the children to come. 

One of the things that we will do, with the help of our lawyers, is to initiate legal 

actions in the Spanish courts. As your lawyers can explain to you, Spanish penal 

law prohibits carrying out acts that contribute to the destruction of other peoples. 

For example, Spanish penal law, in Article 607, prohibits you from killing us as 

well as forcibly displacing us or subjecting us to conditions of existence that put 

our lives in danger or hurt our health. We have always lived here and we have 

the right to continue living here in accordance with our traditions.

We hope that you will be rational and realize that the Ralco project is a criminal 

act according to Spanish law and human rights. It will not be enough after your 

vote in the directors meeting to say that your purpose is to generate energy for 

development, because you well know that the necessary consequences of the 

project imply the death of our brothers, the forced displacement of others, the 

imposition of life conditions that put our existence in danger -- in sum, the 

genocide of our people.

At the same time, we hope that you will not stain the name of the company you

 represent, whose reputation would be adversely affected. Your duty to your 

shareholders to look after that reputation. Don't stain the name of Endesa 

Espana with indigenous blood!

We want you to know that our existence as a people, as a native ethnic group 

of these lands, as well as our life and our health, are irrevocably linked to the 

Bio Bmo River, to our lands, to the natural resources found here, to the spirits 

our ancestors who live in ceremonial places and nourish our wisdom and identity. 

If you attack our lands or try to displace us, you will be committing acts of 

genocide against us. Do not make yourselves responsible for this crime against 

humanity with your vote or absence. If you don't respect our right to exist as a 

people, we will charge each of you individually with trying to destroy us, in the 

Spanish courts.

Our struggle as Mapuche/Pehuenche against the Ralco project is the struggle 

of all the Mapuche people for centuries, since the arrival in 1541 of the first 

Spaniards to our territory. Because of that, several Mapuche organizations 

have joined in this fight. We hope that upon seeing the criminal nature of the 

Ralco project you will decide to stop it.

We hope you will allow us to live in peace.


Nicolasa Quintreman Calpan

Ilda Riquelme Huenteao

Agustmn Correa Naupa.

Organizacisn Mapu Domoche Nehuin de Alto Bio Bmo.

Corporacisn Mapuche Xeg-Xeg,

Corporacisn de Mujeres Mapuche Aukinko Zomo,

Sociedad Mapuche Lonko Kilapan,

Corporacisn Mapuche Nehuin,

Corporacisn Union Araucana,

Casa de la Mujer Mapuche,

Asociacisn Mapuche Kona Peuman,

Asociacisn Qankucheu de Lumako.

In addition, between September 15 and 19 Antolin Curriao, 

one of the indigenous leaders opposing the project, traveled 

with his lawyers and an environmental leader to Madrid and the Balearic 

Islands where they promised to initiate legal actions against the board of 

directors of Endesa Espaqa. Rodolfo Martmn Villa, president of the Endesa

 Espaqa, refused to meet with the delegation. They were however received 

by members of Spanish nonprofits, members of parliament and regional 

government authorities. Among these individuals and groups were Goyo 

Itoiz of the Spanish Pro-Human Rights Association, Maria Flores of Friends 

of the Indigenous Peoples and Patricia Ballesteros, a Spanish citizen who was 

expelled from Chile (the deportation order was later revoked by the Supreme 

Court) after participating as an observer in a non-violent occupation of the Ralco construction site in February.

The delegation also met with members of Parliament (of the United Left, the 

Spanish Socialist Workers Party, and the Basque Nationalist Party) and with 

Francesc Antich, president of the Autonomous Community of the Balearic Islands.  

In late October a delegation of three poeple from the Islands will travel to the 

Upper Bio Bmo region and other areas of conflict.

One of subjects analyzed in detail was the possible legal action alleging genocide 

against the directors of Endesa Espana, based on the arguments described in the 

fax, which was also sent in notarized form to the offices of Endesa Espana in Madrid. 

The legal firm of Enrique Santiago y Romero is analyzing the details of the case.

In addition, on Friday, October 1 the Pehuenches formally requested a meeting 

with Francisco Garcia Sanchez, Spanish executive and general manager of Endesa 

Chile, as well as Alfredo Llorente, president of the parent company, Enersis, in 

Santiago to obtain the official report of the company regarding the continuation 

of the project. This request has yet to be answered.

We reiterate to everyone that it is not too late to tell these executives to stop the 

building of this genocidal project. Here are the address:

Rodolfo Martmn Villa

Presidente, Endesa Espaqa

Pasaje de Vergara 187

28002 Madrid, Spain

Phone: 34 91 566 8800

Fax: 34 91 564 5518

Alfredo Llorente

Presidente, Enersis

Santiago, Chile

Phone: 56 2 353 4400

Fax: 56 2 633 2866

E-mail: bmp@e.enersis.cl

Francisco Garcma

Gerente General 

Endesa Chile

Santiago, Chile

Phone: 56 2 630 9000

Fax: 56 2 630 9924

E-mail: usandova@endesa.cl


Santiago -- Another irregularity with the Ralco project has received 

wide coverage in the press: In addition to the lack of authorization 

from the Pehuenches and a definitive concession, it has come to light 

that the dam's backers also lack the required water rights. The fact is 

that Endesa made a mistake when it requested the rights and the ones 

it currently has do not permit the building of the dam as it was designed.

One kilometer of difference in the devolution of waters to the river and a 

17-meter difference "de cota" would make the project unfeasible, at least

 in order to generate the amount of energy that has been promised. 

The Pehuenche leader Nicolasa Quintreman has requested those 

water rights, a matter which Endesa immediately appealed. According to 

the law, the rights should be assigned to the best applicant, a condition 

that is likely to work against Nicolasa Quintreman. The matter is likely 

to be resolved as an administrative matter. The incredible error was 

detected by the economist Hernan Echauren, one of the directors of 

the Grupo de Accion por el Bio Bio (GABB), who hired a lawyer to 

investigate the situation and request the water rights that Endesa didn't have.

Bio Bio al Dia. Electronic bulletin of the Grupo de Accion por el Bio Bio (GABB). 

Edited by Cristian Opaso.

Address: Pinto Lagarrigue 12, 

Recoleta, Santiago de Chile.

Phone: 56 2 737 1420

Fax: 56 2 777 6414. 

E-mail: gabb@reuna.cl

Translated into English by Kora McNaughton for

International Rivers Network, 

1847 Berkeley Way, Berkeley, Ca 94703, United States.

Phone: 510-848-1155.

Fax: 510-848-1108. 

Previous editions available at http://www.irn.org. 

(c) All rights reserved. Source must be cited for total or partial reproduction.


Monti Aguirre

Latin American Campaigns 

International Rivers Network					

1847 Berkeley Way					

Berkeley, CA. 94703 USA

Phone:	 510 . 848.11.55 and 707 . 591 .91.49

Fax:	 510 . 848.10.08

e-mail:  monti @irn.org
