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Re: dam-l Announcing a Dam-Impacts Bibliography

Dam-reservoir Impacts and Information Archive is looking for
the exact same stuff for what it's worth.

We have been online since April of 1994 and are NOT funded.

Most folks on the list know this - Sarah may not have realized 
they are reimnventing the wheel, albeit with funding.

I'd like to know anythimng any of you know about obtaining funding
as our organization is small but optimally located to search records
and obtain new sources IF WE HAD FUNDING.

Now I'll be frank.  This is being run on a  complete and utter shoestring.
The dam-l list predates the WCD's dam listm, and this initiative.

Where did you guys get the funding?

I haven't a clue how to gho about submitting proposals never having 
done one.  DRIIA is refernced by the Smithsonian Institute - they
found us.  Ditto the NASA online refernces mailout, in whhich we have been

Any scientists out there who want to see new stuff you've published 
on our site. Email me any refs you have you'd like to see on the 
*original* online refernce source on dam impacts.

BTW, I don't get paid to do this - I'm on a pension for health reasons and
have been dying to find out how one gets paid for what one is good at 
and has been doing nearly singlehandly for the last... well over 5 years 


I'm sure you all take my point.

