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dam-l LHWP corruption in Observer/LS

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                                                        Britain's biggest
                                                        face dam bribery

                                                        Antony Barnett
Public Affairs Editor
                                                        Sunday December 5, 1999

                                                        Some of Britain's
most prestigious construction companies
                                                        are involved in a
£1 million bribery scandal that is set to
                                                        rock the
international building industry.

multinationals will appear in an African court next
                                                        week accused by
governments of funnelling large amounts of
                                                        money into secret
Swiss bank accounts of a senior official in
                                                        order to gain
lucrative contracts.

                                                        The scandal
revolves around the controversial £5 billion
                                                        Katse Dam project
in the former British colony of Lesotho
                                                        in southern Africa.

                                                        The scheme, dreamt
up by the apartheid government of
                                                        South Africa in the
mid-1980s, was one of the largest
projects in the world and competition for
                                                        contracts was
fierce. The World Bank is now backing a
                                                        prosecution by the
Lesotho government, following a
investigation which found that Masupha Sole, the
                                                        dam project's chief
executive, took more than £1.2m in
                                                        bribes over 10 years.

                                                        Experts in
international finance believe it will be a landmark
                                                        case, because those
firms convicted face being barred from
international construction projects financed by the
                                                        World Bank.

                                                        Two of Britain's
largest construction firms, Balfour Beatty
                                                        and Amec, have
stakes in one of the main international
                                                        consortiums charged
with paying tens of thousands of
                                                        pounds in bribes.
In 1996 Amec bought nearly half of a
                                                        French company
which allegedly paid more than £75,000 to

                                                        Two further British
firms, Kier International and Stirling
                                                        International, had
major stakes in another international
                                                        consortium that is
accused of paying more than £500,000 in

                                                        Sir Alexander Gibb
& Partners - one of Britain's most
                                                        distinguished civil
engineer ing firms - is individually named
                                                        as having paid
large bribes to Sole.

                                                        The Lesotho dam has
been at the centre of controversy ever
                                                        since the project
was first drawn up. Lesotho is a nominally
                                                        independent country
completely surrounded by South Africa.
                                                        It is extremely
poor but rich in water resources and the
                                                        concept was to
bring water from Lesotho, via a complex
                                                        web of dams and
tunnels, to the drought-prone industrial
                                                        heartlands of

and human rights groups have criticised
                                                        the dam for
devastating the vulnerable communities who live
                                                        in the Lesotho
highlands region where the dam is located.
                                                        Thousands have lost
farm and grazing lands and no longer
                                                        have access to
fresh water sources. The reservoir water
                                                        collected by the
dam is owned by South Africa and cannot be
                                                        used by the
citizens of Lesotho, despite predictions of a
                                                        water shortage in
the next decade.

                                                        The role of the
World Bank in the funding of the Katse Dam
                                                        is also being
questioned. While it is now helping the
                                                        prosecution of
firms charged with bribery, The Observer has
                                                        seen leaked
correspondence between the World Bank and the
                                                        Lesotho government
from 1994 suggesting the institution
                                                        knew of the
corruption allegations against Sole but tried to
                                                        prevent action
being taken.

                                                        The letter said:
'We believe that in the light of the
detrimental consequences for the project, unless
                                                        there are
overwhelming reasons to the contrary, it would
                                                        have been better
not to make any changes to staff.'

                                                        Equally damning is
a second leaked internal document from
                                                        the World Bank,
obtained by The Observer , dated July 1991
                                                        and stamped 'for
official use only'.

                                                        This gives details
of the establishment of a secret bank
                                                        account in London
where national governments, embarrassed
                                                        by supporting the
apartheid government in South Africa,
                                                        could channel funds
to support the Katse Dam project.

                                                        At the time, there
were international sanctions in place
                                                        against South
Africa, so the ultimate beneficiary of the funds
                                                        would be hidden.
The British, French, German and US
                                                        governments gave
financial support for the dam.

                                                        The World Bank -
which lent over $150m for the dam
                                                        project - now seems
serious about ending corruption. James
                                                        Wolfensohn, its
president, recently denounced the 'cancer of
                                                        corruption', and
the bank has adopted clauses that would
                                                        declare a company
'ineligible for future bank contracts if it
                                                        has engaged in
corrupt practices'.

                                                        But Patrick
McCully, campaigns director of the International
                                                        Rivers Network,
said: 'The World Bank is not a knight
                                                        coming to the
rescue of Lesotho, it is a leading actor in a
                                                        major corruption
scandal. While the case is under way, the
                                                        companies involved
should be suspended from competing for
                                                        contracts on World
Bank projects.'

                                                        The Observer
contacted all the British companies linked to
                                                        the scandal. They
all denied they had given money to Sole or
                                                        any other officials.

      Lori Pottinger, Director, Southern Africa Program,
        and Editor, World Rivers Review
           International Rivers Network
              1847 Berkeley Way, Berkeley, California 94703, USA
                  Tel. (510) 848 1155   Fax (510) 848 1008