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L4L workbooks due this week

Please mail your 'Lands for Life' workbooks today, however incomplete!
To be counted, your public input workbook must be _received_ by:
 > Friday May 8th, for the Great Lakes-St.Lawrence round table
 > next Friday May 15th, for Boreal East round table
(Regular postage is 90 cents.)

It's not too late to start!  Answering only four questions will make a
difference.  You can download both workbooks from our website at
(Simply print it, answer key questions, and mail it in.)

For help, check out the _10 Minute Guide_ to filling out the workbooks on the
Partnership for Public Lands website at http://www.web.net/wild

Thanks for helping to protect our public land!
     !!! My E-mail address is changing !!!
Effective immediately please reach me at: langlois@cyberus.ca
Jean Langlois
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