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Community Learning Exchange

Community Learning Exchange

The Home Based Learning Network (HBLN) is a secular network of about 125
families in the Ottawa area who don't send their kids to school, but
provide alternative forms of learning and education outside of the
traditional school system.  It has no religious affiliation.

During a recent Radical Reading Group meeting on de-schooling and radical
parenting, some of us were particularly interested in the idea of
homeschoolers tapping into community resources in order to explore their
learning interests. We're convinced that there's an abundance of skills,
talents and knowledge out in the Ottawa activist community, and we know
there are young people interested in tapping into that human wealth.
That's why we're setting up the Community Learning Exchange, a way to
create links between the HBLN and others in the Ottawa area working for
social change.

The Exchange is an informal way to bring together people in the community
with kids who don't go to school. For home-based learners the Exchange is
a way to pursue their learning interests and connect with the broader
community.  For potential resource people it's an opportunity to share
your experience and skills with kids whose natural desire to learn hasn't
been squelched by compulsory and coercive schooling.

Our idea is to generate a list of people who would be interested in
offering their skills/expertise to home-schooled kids and their families.

We envision a list of contacts (that would be published on the HBLN
webpage and in their printed newsletter), describing people's areas of
interest and contact info. Homeschoolers and their families will be able
to check the HBLN website for listings and get in touch with you if they
wish. Together you can decide if, how, when, where and on what basis you
want to work together. Homeschoolers might ask you questions over the
phone, you may decide to set up a workshop or discussion or teaching
session, organize a one-day workplace "shadowing" experience or volunteer
assignment, or even get advice about your career/job and schooling
experiences. There is no set commitment: the type, duration and frequency
of your involvement is up to you.

The idea is new and still experimental so if you have any questions,
comments, suggestions please contact us at:

Natalie (zendn@hotmail.com)
Huss (s1222082@aix2.uottawa.ca)

If you know you want to get involved you can send your name, phone
number, e-mail address and field(s) of interest.  Mention any skills,
interests, areas of expertise, or occupations you'd like to share --
French, essay-writing, feminist theory, cooking, anatomy, Marxism,
sewing, math, dance, political activism or organic agriculture. Write it
up (under 100 words) and send it to Huss (s1222082@aix2.uottawa.ca).

P.S. To find out more about what home based learning or "homeschooling"
is all about, visit these sites:

National Capital Region Home Based Learning Network

The Ontario Federation of Teaching Parents

Canadian Home Based Learning Resource Page

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