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Community consultation on amalgamation

Community Consultation on
Municipal Amalgamation!

The Social Planning Council of Ottawa-Carleton
 Invites you to participate with other community members
from various sectors in a meeting focusing
on the municipal amalgamation of our region

Join us

For this Consultation, Information
And Dialogue Session including:

 A Presentation and Workshops in the morning & an Afternoon Panel 
with the
following Speakers:

Caroline Andrew 	 	Dean of Social Science Faculty
University of Ottawa
Claude Bennett 		Ottawa Transition Board Chair
Graeme Kirby 		Former General Manager of NCC
Stephan Kipfer		Community Social Planning Council of

The meeting will be held
On Wednesday May 10th, 2000
at the University of Ottawa
(in the Auditorium of Fauteux Hall)
from 8:45 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Please reserve your place as early as possible
by completing the attached registration form
Deadline for registration: April 28th, 2000

For information: 236-9300

Consultation communautaire portant sur la fusion municipale 

Le Conseil de Planification sociale d'Ottawa-Carleton vous invite a 
participer avec d'autres membres de la communaute provenant de divers
secteurs a une rencontre Portant sur la fusion municipale de notre 

Joignez-vous a nous

lors de cette session
 de consultation, d'information
et d'echange incluant:

Caroline Andrew 		Doyenne de la faculte des sciences sociales
Universite d'Ottawa, animatrice
Claude Bennett 		President du comite de transition
Graeme Kirby 		Ex-Gerant de la CCN
Stephan Kipfer		Conseil de planification sociale communautaire
de Toronto

La rencontre se tiendra
le 10 mai 2000
a l'Universite d'Ottawa
(Auditorium du Pavillon Fauteux)
de 13h00 a 16h00

S'il vous plait, reservez votre place le plus tot possible
en remplissant le formulaire d'inscription ci-joint
Date limite pour s'inscrire: le 28 avril 2000

Pour renseignements: 236-9300

N'hesitez pas a faire circuler cette invitation aupres des membres de
votre conseil d'administration et vos benevoles. Merci.

We have to make a lot of decisions in our lives that mean sacrificing
our freedom to do other things. Getting married or having children are
two examples. Just like resistance, these choices are often about the
future and the protection of life. The difference is that these sacrifices
are a part of our culture. In our consciousness they are self-evident
parts of our lives. If the preservation of life on earth demands
resistance, and if resistance means imprisonment, then we should
also see that as part of our lives. 
			Helen Woodson
after serving 1/3 of a 18 year sentence for civil disobedience

Peace and Environment Resource Centre
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