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[OPIRG-EVENTS] 1 October Dispelling the Shadow

[please distribute wildly - particularly OUTSIDE activist circles]

Tolkien's Lord of the Rings - Dispelling the Shadow

Wednesday,  1 October, 6:00 - 10:00 p.m.
Bronson Centre, 211 Bronson Ave (corner Lisgar)

An interactive exploration of how just war mythology creates the shadow and
how non-violent alternatives dispel it. What would you do with the Ring?
What alternatives exist in the real world? With focus groups,
role-play, mini-lectures, video clips, dramatizations of eye-witness
accounts. Facilitated by Gianne Broughton, Nonviolent Peaceforce Canada.

**Buffet of "hobbit food"; **door prizes (including bookends donated by the
Zealand creators of the film props); and **childcare available (must confirm
in advance).

Tickets are $15. Available at Ottawa Folklore Centre, Mother Tongue Books,
Octopus Books, Basilisk Books or from Nonviolent Peaceforce Canada, tel
613-564-0999, info@npcanada.org.

Event sponsored by Nonviolent Peaceforce Canada, tel 564 0999,
info@npcanada.org, www.npcanada.org

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