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current SPKI BNF

Here's the current SPKI BNF, from my working copy of the draft:

4.1 BNF of SPKI Objects

   The following defines an SPKI certificate and related objects,
   expressed here in pseudo-BNF -- with "*" meaning closure (0 or more
   occurrences) and "?" meaning optional (0 or 1 occurrence).  At the
   top level (not used internally in any other object) are the following
   three objects.  Other objects, such as <pub-key>, might also occur at
   a top level, to be hashed and referred to by hash.

   <cert-body>:: "(" "certificate" <version>? <issuer> <issuer-loc>?
   <subject> <subject-loc>? <deleg>? <auth> <comments>* <valid> ")" ;

   <sig>:: "(" "signed" <sobj> <principal> <sig-val> ")" ;

   <bundle>:: "(" "bundle" <s-expression>* ")" ;

   <acl>:: "(" "acl" <subj-tag>* ")" ;

   Note that the fields in a <cert-body> don't need to be in the order
   given by the BNF, because they are all self-identified, but we
   recommend that they be given in that order, for human readability.
   Defined below are the other elements of this BNF description.

   <auth>:: "(" "tag" ")" | "(" "tag" <tag-body>  ")" ;

   <comments>::  "(" "comment" byte-string* ")" ;

   <deleg-style>:: "to-key" | "no" | "yes" ;

   <deleg>:: "(" "propagate" <deleg-style> ")" ;

   <fq-name>:: "(" "ref" <principal> <names> ")" ;

   <hash-alg-name>:: byte-string ;

   <hash-of-key>:: <hash> ;

   <hash-value>:: byte-string ;

   <hash>:: "(" "hash" <hash-alg-name> <hash-value> <uri>? ")" ;

   <int>:: byte-string ;

   <issuer-loc>:: "(" "issuer-info" <uri> <param>* ")"

   <issuer-name>:: <principal> | <simple-name> ;

   <issuer>:: "(" "issuer" <issuer-name> ")" ;

   <keyholder>:: "(" "keyholder" <principal> ")" ;

   <name>:: <relative-name> | <fq-name> ;

   <names>:: byte-string | <names> byte-string ;

   <not-after>:: "(" "not-after" <date> ")" ;

   <not-before>:: "(" "not-before" <date> ")" ;

   <obj>:: "(" "object" byte-string ")" ;

   <online-test>:: "(" "online" <byte-string> <uri> <param>* ")" ;

   <ordering>:: "alpha" | "numeric" | "date" ;

   <param>:: byte-string | <s-expression> ;

   <principal>:: <pub-key> | <hash-of-key> ;

   <pub-key>:: "(" "public-key" <pub-sig-alg-and-key> ")" ;

   <pub-sig-alg-and-key>:: TBD

   <range-comparison>:: "<" | "<=" | ">" | ">=" ;

   <range-limit>:: <range-comparison> byte-string ;

   <relative-name>:: "(" "ref" <names> ")" ;

   <s-expression>:: "(" byte-string <param>* ")" ;

   <sec-sig-alg-and-key>:: TBD

   <secret-sig-key>:: "(" "secret-key" <sec-sig-alg-and-key> ")" ;

   <set-param>:: "(" "*" "set" <set-param>* ")" | "(" "*" "null" ")" |
   "(" "*" "intersect" <set-param>* ")" | "(" "*" "range" <ordering>
   <range-limit>* ")" | "(" "*" "prefix" byte-string ")" ;

   <set-tag>:: "(" "*" "set" <simple-tag>* ")" | "(" "*" <set-type>
   <simple-tag> ")" ;

   <set-type>:: "reorder" | "reorder-insert" | "reorder-delete" |
   "append" ;

   <sig-val>:: <param> ;

   <simple-name>:: "(" "ref" <principal> byte-string ")" ;

   <simple-tag>:: "(" byte-string <tag-param>* ")" ;

   <sobj>:: <hash> | <obj> ;

   <subj-names>:: "(" "subject-names" <name>* ")" ;

   <subj-obj>:: <principal> | <relative-name> | <hash> | <secret-sig-
   key> | <keyholder> ;

   <subj-tag>:: <subj-names> <auth> ;

   <subject-loc>:: "(" "subject-info" <uri> <param>* ")" ;

   <subject>:: "(" "subject" <subj-obj> ")" ;

   <tag-body>:: <simple-tag> | <set-tag> ;

   <tag-param>:: <param> | <set-param> ;

   <uri>:: byte-string ;

   <valid>:: <not-before>? <not-after>? <online-test>* ;

   <version>:: "(" "version" <int> ")" ;

|Carl M. Ellison  cme@cybercash.com   http://www.clark.net/pub/cme |
|CyberCash, Inc.                      http://www.cybercash.com/    |
|207 Grindall Street   PGP 2.6.2: 61E2DE7FCB9D7984E9C8048BA63221A2 |
|Baltimore MD 21230-4103  T:(410) 727-4288  F:(410)727-4293        |