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Network Connections

Conceivably, one could use the Internet to connect to NCF: pick up email, read news, etc. rather than use a dialup modem. This would benefit greatly anyone that maintained menus and information sources from their place of business (which might be their home), where an internet connection might be available. A prime example might be municipal and school board employees, teachers, and maybe even students.

While this facility is useful, it is also dangerous. Passwords could be sniffed going across the Internet, and accounts could be broken. This risk is certainly not new, but a new design should try to provide a solution to this problem. One time passwords are one such solution, but all software only solutions require user training. It is suggested that this kind of access be granted on a per-site basis, and that a user training session be held prior to enabling any such access.

Michael Richardson
Sun Apr 21 00:24:31 EDT 1996