- DRIIA content manager & webmistress, Dianne Murray.
These pages copyright C. Dianne Murray and the Dam-Reservoir Working Group 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007. Other authors as noted. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, but link to pages at will.
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... you've reached the web's *original* site on water development impacts, online since April of 1994 : the Dam-Reservoir Inf
ormation & Impact Archive!
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DRIIA's mission?; to be the antidote to the incomplete and unbalanced, dare I say *biased*, information provided by promoters of unrestrained water development. DRIIA exists to, ah, hand them a reality "cheque". ;) The impacts listed on this site are based on peer-reviewed literature, none of it contentious, much of it now 30 or more years old; additionally the site features breaking news reports concerning hydroelectric power, renewable energy, alteratives to dams and breaking news on the environmental & social fallout of large water development projects around the world (for example Narmada, Tehri, and Three Gorges).
If I want a dam built [not an EIA, mind, just one built] sure I'll go to one of the E-7 and not a biologist. But for a haircut, I say go to a barber, not a scissors manufacturer, or a butcher. For a side of beef, visit the butcher not the barber...'nuff said! ;)
Sure, sure, promoters - just *tell* me that's not a major effect! >;-o Leading research shows that profligate damming & redirection of rivers is having some surprisingly ugly global effects. In 1997 there were ~39,000 large dams in the world, 5500 in the United States and 618 in Canada; is it any wonder global effects are happening?
As of 28 February 2005, it was no big surprise to anyone who has been studying the field of hydro impacts for more than a decade when New Scientist at long last reported that hy droelectric generation is no more benign than coal-fired energy plants are. Hydro impact reseachers have known this since the early 1990's, when John Rudd and his colleagues reported their groundbreaking findings on greenhouse gas emissions and Canadian hydroelectric reservoirs. Better late than never for scientists outside the field to acknowledge it, I suppose. And there is a lot more data now and their findings have been repatedly replicated by other researchers looking at other reservoirs around the world. I wondered back then if it would lead to any action from our (Canadian) federal gov'twhen they passed the Kyoto-friendly slightly green budget. NOPE. Meanwhile, the Toronto Star was reporting that Goodale's budget's climate plans were a tad hazy. .
- DRIIA content manager & webmistress, Dianne Murray.
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What one deregulated company is doing to show how much water and energy you are using: Volt Viewtech's audits and Free water efficiency surveys, etc.
GREEN your power sources with the GREEN POWER discussion groups
Hey... we *may* need a miracle to get through the Water Crisis! ;-> I am NOT joking!
Try it: think of it as an experiment...
You do NOT need to be any particular faith to place a prayer petition or a note in the The Western Wall in Jerusalem, in Israel, otherwise known as the Wailing Wall. You just need to believe there is s force in this universe stronger than multinationals and the market. ;)
You may also light a candle at Journey to the One's Virtual Candle click on virtual candle and select the colour you want. For Catholics, you can place your prayers for our water and fish and aquatic resources and oceans and arable land and all the displaced people at the shrineThe Association of the Miraculous Medal Peace. May the Great Spirit bless you! :)
Dianne Murray is a member of the HTML Writer's Guild.
last hand-coded update April 4, 2007, by cdm