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Re: weak devices

>> How long does it take to encapsulate a typical email message? That should
>> be the average key establishment time.

Ok, here's my non-scientific benchmarks, generated on my hp100lx,
using pgp 2.6 with a 512 bit modulus on a 1k file.  All times were
taken manually with my wristwatch stopwatch, so assume +/- 10%
sampling error or so.

    key generation (pgp -kg) takes 305 seconds.
    signing the file (pgp -s) takes 15 seconds.
    verifying the signature takes 3 seconds.
    encrypting the file (pgp -e) takes 5 seconds.
    decrypting the ciphertext takes 15 seconds.

These times do not include the time to load the program, just my
perception of how long it took to perform the operation, probably
including disk (flash rom) I/O.

I don't have any way to figure out how long a keyed MD5 would take,
since PGP doesn't do this.
