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Re: ESP New Draft

"Angelos D. Keromytis" writes:
> >As working group chair, I see no clear consensus to forbid the use
> >of ESP with a null encryption algorithm (a.k.a auth-only-ESP).
> >There have been many strong statements made to the mailing list
> >recommending that ESP always encrypt.  I've also talked to
> >implementors developing auth-only-ESP as a "valued added" option.
> >ESP has the flexibility to support any algorithm.  Clear guidelines
> >need to be provided that define the usage of these algorithms
> >including the use of a null encryption algorithm.
> Paul, we had a straw poll on this list, and we had a large number of
> implementors decide in the Memphis meeting. Both were against
> auth-only-ESP. How in heaven can you say that there is no clear
> consensus ?

I strongly agree. This is one of the few times that I've seen near
unanimity for *anything* in the IETF. I didn't see *anyone* at Memphis
ask for encryptionless ESP.

> I was under the impression the WG chair is NOT supposed to make
> decisions when there *IS* a rough consensus (and this is not even
> rough).

Also true enough.

