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Re: Proposal for new DH Groups 6, 7, and 8

Will Price writes:
> So, let's move this forward.  Do you want to write those primes up as a
> draft or can Dan include them in the next IKE-01 draft?

I already sent the 2048 bit prime to Dan earlier (few months ago), but
I don't know if he is going to include it to the IKE 01 draft. I think
it would be better to keep all those primes together, i.e include them
to the IKE draft. I can also make it separate draft if we cannot put
them in to the IKE draft. 
kivinen@iki.fi                               Work : +358-9-4354 3218
SSH Communications Security                  http://www.ssh.fi/
SSH IPSEC Toolkit                            http://www.ssh.fi/ipsec/
