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Re: SCTP and IPsec issues

>>>>> "Angelos" == Angelos D Keromytis <angelos@keromytis.org> writes:
    Angelos> but that can be done by a series of Phase 2 exchanges just as
    Angelos> easily. In any situation that involves automatic keying (e.g.,
    Angelos> "telnet -secure foo.com"), I don't see how this would buy you
    Angelos> anything, other than increased complexity.
    >> "ftp -secure foo.com"

    Angelos> That won't do you any good, since in neither passive or active
    Angelos> FTP do you know 
    Angelos> the server side's port until after you've started an exchange.

  That's my point. It doesn't work.
  You can't ask to have the data connected added to the control connections' SA.
You have to do a new phase 2 for each file transfered. 

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