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Re: IPSec v6 on linux


> I am use Red hat Linux with kernel 2.4.18.
> Does anybody aware any IPsec can support IPV6 on this kernel?
As part of my diploma thesis, I implemented some rudimentary IPv6 kernel
functionality; Gerhard Gessler adpated the FreeSwan Pluto key exchange
daemon for IPv6. The whole package is available on 

I haven't tried it lately, so I don't know if the kernel patches will work
with 2.4.18 (during development, I used to work with the 2.4.0preX-series;
the last kernel patch I created was for 2.4.7).

Hope it helps,

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|-> E-Mail: stefan.schlott@informatik.uni-ulm.de    PGP-Key: 0x2F36F4FE <-|
| esa$ gcc ariane5.c -Wall -o ariane5                                     |
| ariane5.c: 666: warning: long float implicitly truncated to unsigned    |
| type                                                                    |