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RE: [Ipsec] Interpretation of ICMP Type and Code

Michael Roe writes:
> I had interpreted the text as meaning (b),
> tstart*256+cstart <= t*256+c <= tend*256+cend
> But as you say, it's not entirely clear.

I think this is the only reasonable interpretation. The codes inside
the types do not have such ordering that it would be usefull to say
send all types 1, 2, 3 with codes 2, 3 to this SA. On the other hand
I think most used features will be where tstart == tend, and cstart
and cend specify the part of that ICMP type, or where the tstart and
tend have range and cstart = 0, and cend = 255, i.e. all codes for
those types. 

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