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It's 129 L. Pasteur for Fri's y2k videoconference

Sorry, was given wrong directions:

The Room is # 286 but NOT in the Colonel By Bldg (signs will be posted).
The address is 129 Louis Pasteur, just to the right of and behind the
pharmacy at King Edward and Somerset East on the Ottawa U. campus. 

“Inviting Leadership: Finding Our Role in Resilient Communities”

When:  		First of three videoconferences is January 22, 1999 at 1pm to 4pm
Where: 		(see above :-)
How much?  		Sliding scale, $5 to $15 (cost is $12.50, 
			this is a special arrangement for the Ottawa site)
To register contact:	Terry Cottam (or just show up with your fee)
Phone:  		236-6433
Fax:  			236-6433 (call first) 
e-mail:  		y2k-ottawa@inode.org  

Over 100 communities from the United States and Canada are coming together
in a way that has never happened before around a challenge we've never had
before. While the program is relevant to Y2K preparation, its main
intention is to stimulate community leadership, in general. It is designed
to create an ongoing group with an initial follow-up in April. 


See you there!

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