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Re: Ye say it's binary data ye be wantin'?

At 20:47 2/23/96, Rich Salz wrote:
>Thanks to Perry for reminding me to send this here...
>> I have made this offer before.
>> If the IETF wants a C-like abstraact notation with efficient coding
>> rules and free source, ... and it's an ISO standard already, OSF is
>> happy to help with DCE IDL, the free IDL compiler, and a copyright-
>> free vresion of the specification that defines the bits on the wire.
>>       /r$


        thanks for distributing the observation.  Do you have a URL for
us to read?

        However, I'm not sure it's binary data we be wantin.

        I learned at the feet of John Warnock who preached that if you're
moving data between different computers, you have only one choice:  ASCII.
He was a little extreme, I grant you, but PostScript *did* succeed and
quite possibly because it was ASCII.

I'm not totally anti-binary -- and wasn't back when I worked for Warnock
-- but I want to offer an ASCII alternative for the sake of discussion.
The following is actually a true statement, using real PGP keys, and I offer
this as a sample ASCII certificate.


Certifying-Key: 0x7362BE39: 61 E2 DE 7F CB 9D 79 84  E9 C8 04 8B A6 32 21 A2
Signed-Key: 0x40609E7D: 5C 03 99 72 5D 33 D2 AD  05 FD 60 88 28 18 A1 88
Validity: Indefinite
Meaning:  I testify that the person who knows how to sign messages
        with the private key corresponding to the signed key above, is a
        well qualified digital logic designer.  I know him by the name
        Joe and worked with him between 1987 and 1994.

Version: 2.6.2


|Carl M. Ellison          cme@cybercash.com   http://www.clark.net/pub/cme |
|CyberCash, Inc., Suite 430                   http://www.cybercash.com/    |
|2100 Reston Parkway           PGP 2.6.2: 61E2DE7FCB9D7984E9C8048BA63221A2 |
|Reston, VA 22091      Tel: (703) 620-4200                                 |
