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IPsecond focus groups

I am working on getting people interested in solving select set of IPsecond
issues together to put together a quick game plan to get some solid
documents out for IPsecond.  Times for these are:

tues 1300 - 1400
wed  1530 - 1730
thur 1730 - 

On monday, before the policy BOF we got together a number of people to
start policy discussions.  One thing that came out of this was a request
that each focus area have its own, open, archived, short-lived list so that
work remains focused.  Ted and I think this is workable.

Tuesday is before our IPsec session.  Perhaps the error/MIB people could
get together then.  We will meet on the lower level over by the riverside

Wed I would like to cover remote issues and 'load sharing, high
availabity'.  A number of items have already been brought up on this.  A
unified effort should come out of this time.

Thursday, I have the Missouri room. I think that those that are ready to
author/edit documents or actively develop the documents should come (I am
bringing in some food, but not a lot) to check over the work done in the
week and set goals of when results will come back to the IPsec list, and
the focus list ended.  This time is for serious document development planning.

Ted and I encourage people that have work items that should reasonably be
in IPsecond to get with us during this week, so that we can all understand
them, then take them to the list to determine wg concesus on how to
proceed.  If there are needs for other focus groups (like IKE interaction
with certificate worlds (X.509, PGP, DNSSEC, etc)) we will facilitate that.

The goal here is to get people committed to getting the next round of items
well defined in the next month so that by Orlando we are down at most to
nits, not just figuring out what we should do next.

Thank you.  My Motorola pager gizmo pin is 9934395 for anyone trying to
find me.....

Robert Moskowitz
Security Interest EMail: rgm-sec@htt-consult.com