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Re: Minor Security issues regarding Kb rekeying

> I've become concerned about a slightly different matter with rekeying.
> Suppose Eve records and jams the Alice-Bob line for the duration of an
> SA use on a TCP connection ... she doesn't like the key.  Bob and
> Alice change to a new SA, according to their preferred schedule.  

Given TCP's behavior (particularly in the presence of slow start), Eve
would get at most a window's full of data, plus a bunch of
retransmitted copies of one segment before Alice stopped
transmitting..  (Hmm. the latter could be used as a potential aid to
cryptanalysis in and of itself..)..

> It's a leap of faith to say that Eve could be in position to prefer
> some keys over others, so this is largely a gedanken concern, but
> still ...

I think algorithms known to have this property are not really suitable
for use with IPSEC..

					- Bill
